Mafia War Wiki
Empire I
Empire II
Empire III
Criminal Activities

Weed Farm


Growing weed in your Weed Farm is a great way to expand your illegal activities. You can do many things with your weed in the game:

  • Sell weed to your local customers at the Weed Farm
  • Sell it at your Pawn Shop (100 000 Mafia Power)
  • Sell it at your Nightclub (Meth Lab level 14)
  • Deliver weed at your Transport Company (level 100)
  • Can be used as additive for cigars in your Cigar Factory (Mafia Mansion level 14)
Lvl.CapacityPlantsUpgrade costUpgrade time
110 kg 1
220 kg 2250 0001 day
340 kg 3500 0002 days
460 kg 41 000 0003 days
580 kg 52 000 0004 days
6100 kg 64 000 0005 days
7150 kg 78 000 0006 days
8200 kg 816 000 0007 days
9500 kg 1048 000 0008 days
101 000 kg 1270 000 0009 days

Corrupt cops

The more cops you buy, the faster a new offer will arrive at your Weed Farm. Average formula: 86.400 seconds (day) / (amount of cops+1). 50 cops will get you an offer approximately every 30 minutes.

Upgrading your corrupt cops and your Weed Farm will get you quicker, more valuable offers for your weed.

WeedHarvest timeHarvest amountPriceUnlock
Speed weed10 minutes 0.5 kg 1 000
Good weed30 minutes 1 kg 1 200
Slow weed8 hours 4 kg 2 500
Normal weed1 hour2 kg 3 000 Weed Farm level 2
Medium weed3 hours 6 kg 5 000 Weed Farm level 4
Quality weed16 hours 20 kg 18 000 Weed Farm level 5
Steady weed12 hours 25 kg 23 000 Weed Farm level 7
Perfect weed6 hours 40 kg 49 000 Weed Farm level 9

Extra information / researches

You are able to unlock the Weed Farm with 250 000 cash once you reach level 19. In the Research Lab you can reduce the time between offers at Weed Farm by up to 50%.

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