Mafia War Wiki
Empire I
Empire II
Empire III
Criminal Activities

Partner's Program

Now you have the chance to invite your friends and receive huge benefits from their progress.
Invite more friends and boost your rewards.

To participate in our partner's program, you have to send in-game message to user "Admin". In response you will receive unique link through which users must sign up for you to receive rewards from their progress.

Each time when user pass levels or mafia power you will receive rewards as follow:

LevelRewardMafia PowerReward
251 Small Pack1 000 000Small Pack
1001 Small Pack5 000 000Medium Pack
1501 Medium Pack10 000 000Large Pack
2001 Large Pack


PackDiamondsCashResearch PointsVip Days
Small Pack1002 000 00055 Days
Medium Pack2505 000 0001010 Days
Large Pack60015 000 0002030 Days
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